한국인 홍성현(37세) 필리핀에서 도망 중 체포
필리핀 경찰은 사기(횡령) 혐의로 한국인 홍성현(37세)를 체포하였습니다.
홍씨는 2011년 8월 한국에서 횡령 관련 범죄를 저지르고 홍콩으로 탈출하였다가 필리핀으로 잠입하였으며 인터폴에 수배가 되어져 있는 상황이었습니다.
이민국은 홍씨를 추방 할 계획에 있습니다.

POLICE collared in separate operations last week two foreigners facing embezzlement and swindling cases.
Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) Director Victor Deona said South Korean Hong Sung Hun was arrested in Quezon City last November 25.
Hun, 37, escaped South Korea and fled to Hongkong and to the Philippines in August 2011 after he stole money from a supposed renter of a property in Haewoondae-gu, Busan.
Hun was sentenced to one year imprisonment for violating Article 355 of the Criminal Act by the Busan District Court of Republic of Korea and is included in the Interpol Red Notice.
He was turned over to the Bureau of Immigration on November 26, 2015 which will facilitate his deportation.
@알림 : 코멘트를 작성하시려면 로그인을 하십시오.